An overview of the smart pill Provigil

Provigil is the brand version of Modafinil. So we have no doubts about its effectiveness. Smart pills are known for boosting up our activeness. Provigil is no exception. It also helps us to stay active and alert and thereby motivates us to work efficiently. Provigil is also a very effective cognitive enhancer. Being active is an essential thing. Our present world is growing as a competition ground. To be a tough competitor, you need to perform best. For that, activeness is the essential thing. Activeness motivates us to perform in a better way. But, nowadays, there are various factors which may decrease our activeness. Excessive sleep, depression, anxiety etc. are some of those factors. As a smart pill, though it cannot solve those problems, yet it can help you to stay active even with those problems.

Working mechanism of Provigil

The working mechanism of smart pills is not known to us though we know that they are used to boost up our activeness. According to some experts, those make and effect by stimulating the neurotransmitters in the brain. As Provigil is also a smart pill, probably, it also follows the same mechanism to boost up our activeness
Provigil is assumed to be capable of lifting the levels of hypothalamic histamine upward to boost up our activeness. It also helps us to stay awake by preventing the movement of dopamine transporters which are related to the sleep cycle. By regulating the dopamine’s action, it helps us to stay active and awake. Through this mechanism, Provigil also helps to boost up our mood. By following this working mechanism, Provigil helps us to stay active and become more efficient.


  1. Provigil is a very effective smart pill as it is the brand version of Modafinil. It offers various benefits for the customers. Some those are as follows;
  2. By promoting wakefulness, Provigil helps us to stay active
  3. It is approved by FDA as a safe medicine for use
  4. By enhancing memory and concentration, it also works as a cognitive enhancer
  5. It is a smart pill with least number of side effects
  6. As a mood enhancer, Provigil can treat depression and anxiety

Use of Provigil

  • Every morning or just before your work shift, take one pill of Provigil to stay active during work
  • Drink more and more water with this smart pill as Modafinil is the active ingredient of this smart pill which can make you dehydrate
  • Take it with or without food
  • Never take other smart pills with it
  • Don’t take more than one pill in a day and try to avoid it for long-term use
  • A patient with liver or kidney diseases or blood pressure problem should avoid taking this medicine
  • If you are allergic to Modafinil or Armodafinil, avoid taking this smart pill
  • Never consume alcohol when you are on this smart pill
  • Don’t take Provigil If your age is not more than 17 year
  • For the best result, take it with doctor’s advice.


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